Stay up to date by visiting www.moorestownhsa.org, Facebook (@MoorestownHomeSchool) or Instagram (@moorestownhsa). Contact us any time at info@moorestownhsa.org. Join any time at MHSA Membership. Your contribution makes a difference for our students!
MHS H&S Meeting
Join us at April's H&S Meeting on Wednesday, April 17, 9:30am at MHS's STAR Center. A zoom link will be provided before the meeting for those attending virtually.
H&S Scholarships for Graduating Seniors
Moorestown Home & School Association will be giving up to five $1000 scholarships to graduating Moorestown High School seniors. If interested, please go to Home & School Scholarships for more information.
Home & School is excited to collaborate with WAMS to bring a S.T.E.M. Career Day for 7th and 8th grade students on Friday, May 3rd from 7:30AM to 9:30am.
Volunteers will develop and present interactive sessions to three groups of rotating students. This will be a hands-on, fun-filled morning for all WAMS students. Please complete this signup to volunteer: WAMS STEM Career Day
Questions? Contact Amanda Hillegas (ash42807@gmail.com) and Lyndsay Pasi (lpasi@mtps.us).
UES Book Fair
Conquer a Book with us at the UES Spring Book Fair from April 15th- April 19th! Evening hours will be on Thursday, April 18th! Look for details regarding the fair to come out the week after spring break, along with a flyer coming home with your student(s).
Do you want to know the day your student is attending the book fair? Would you like to volunteer to assist students during the fair? Check here: Book Fair Volunteers
Set up eWallet here: www.scholastic.com/bf/moorestownues
Baker Home and School Slate ‘24-’25
If you’re interested in chairing an event during next school year, please fill out this GoogleForm. Baker Slate Google Form. If you have any questions, contact Suzanne Parker at baker@moorestownhsa.org.
Home & School Meeting
Please join us for our next meeting on April 17th in the Baker cafeteria or via GoogleMeet. Look for the link in an email from Mrs. Rowe this week.
3rd Grade Dance
Save the Date for our annual 3rd Grade Dance! This year's dance will be at the Upper Elementary School (UES) on Friday, May 3 from 6-7:30pm.
Any child in third grade at Baker, Roberts or South Valley is welcome and should bring a special adult guest (parent, guardian, etc) that stays at the dance with them. Boosterthon funding will pay for this event in full, with no charge to participants.
Keep an eye out for attendance sign ups in the next few weeks. We hope you can join in on the fun! Please contact Megan Robbins at megrobbins1019@gmail.com with any questions.
Community Garden Volunteers Wanted!
Join our team of Roberts gardeners and help us maintain our school and community gardens throughout the school year. Summer volunteers are also needed. Email roberts@moorestownhsa.org if interested!
Save the Date: Roberts Family Fun Night
Mark your calendars! Roberts Home and School Association invites you to our end-of-year Family Fun Night at Hot Wheelz roller skating rink on Tuesday, May 28 from 5:30-7:30pm. More information to come!
Home & School Meeting
Our next meeting will be Thursday, April 18 at 9:30am.
3rd Grade Dance
Save the Date for our annual 3rd Grade Dance! This year's dance will be at the Upper Elementary School (UES) on Friday, May 3 from 6-7:30pm.
Any child in third grade at Baker, Roberts or South Valley is welcome and should bring a special adult guest (parent, guardian, etc) that stays at the dance with them. Boosterthon funding will pay for this event in full, with no charge to participants.
Keep an eye out for attendance sign ups in the next few weeks. We hope you can join in on the fun! Please contact Megan Robbins at megrobbins1019@gmail.com with any questions.
3rd Grade Dance
Save the Date for our annual 3rd Grade Dance! This year's dance will be at the Upper Elementary School (UES) on Friday, May 3 from 6-7:30pm.
Any child in third grade at Baker, Roberts or South Valley is welcome and should bring a special adult guest (parent, guardian, etc) that stays at the dance with them. Boosterthon funding will pay for this event in full, with no charge to participants.
Keep an eye out for attendance sign ups in the next few weeks. We hope you can join in on the fun! Please contact Megan Robbins at megrobbins1019@gmail.com with any questions.
Home & School Meeting
Reminder, we will not be having a Home and School meeting in April. Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 5/ 21 at 9:30am in the cafeteria. Ms. Hackl will send out a virtual link prior to the meeting.
Recess Runners
Recess Runners starts April 16th and we need volunteers for Tuesday and Thursday recess!
Sign up for an available time slot here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B4BAFAF2EAAFC1-48663871-spring. Thank you for volunteering!
Food For All Friday
South Valley’s April Food For All Friday collection will take place on Friday, April 12th. If you are able, kindly send in non-perishable donations with your child. In particular need this month are chunky soups, canned meals, canned proteins (tuna, chicken, spam), pasta sauce, and personal care items. Thank you again for your continued generosity!
STEAM South Valley's 3rd Annual Career Day - Friday, April 26th
At the end of South Valley's STEAM Week (April 22-26), we will host the 3rd Annual Career Day. We invite you to participate and showcase your career and expertise with SV students. To indicate your interest and availability, please complete this form. Contact Mary Staehle (drstaehle@gmail.com) with questions or for more information.
Project Graduation Fundraisers
Iron Hill Maple Shade - 4/30, Dine and give 20% to Project Graduation. Please show this flyer at the Maple Shade location and for more details.
Monster Mini Golf - 4/25 4-8pm, See flyer for more details.