Stay up to date by visiting www.moorestownhsa.org, Facebook (@MoorestownHomeSchool) or Instagram (@moorestownhsa). Contact us any time at info@moorestownhsa.org. Join any time at MHSA Membership!

We’re kicking off our Moorestown H&S Fun Run fundraiser this week looking forward to having fun and building community together at the event.
PLUS, when you complete these tasks, you get entered into a drawing for a Disney Sweepstakes Trip! Learn more here
Keep an eye out for daily communication to make our fundraiser the most successful yet! Thank you for supporting our Home & School Association as we continue to support the MTPS! We are grateful for our amazing school communities and hope to raise over $60,000 for the many events and activities we provide to the students in our district.
Thank you, Boosterthon Sponsors!
Thank you to our Boosterthon Sponsors, who helped us ensure every student grades PK-6 have a t-shirt for the Moorestown H&S Fun Runs at our lower elementary schools and UES!
Premium Plus Sponsor:
Ally Construction
Premium Sponsors:
Marrone, Kaye, & Yucca
Moorestown Crew
Nova Dermatology
Passariello’s Moorestown
Retail Sites, LLC
Talone Law
Regular Sponsors:
Celebrity Beauty Boutique
ESF Camps
Exclusively Endodontics
Mestichelli Barnes Dental Associates
Mill Street Tire and Auto
Quaker Wealth Management
Richard A Alaimo Associates
Sweet Lucy’s Barbeque
Name Sponsors:
Advocare South Jersey Internal Medicine
A&M Berk Tax Services
Boosterthon is here! Kick off is this week! See our main section above!
UES Home & School Meetings
Please join us for our next H&S meeting on Friday, March 8th at 9:30 in the UES cafeteria. Virtual information will also be provided.
Boosterthon is here! Kick off is this week! See our main section above!
Food For All Friday
Baker will be supporting Food For All this Friday, March 8th!. Please consider sending your child to school this Friday with a non-perishable food item to support the food pantry located at the Bethel AME Church.
Baker Bags
We are still collecting Baker Bags for the Ronald McDonald House of Southern NJ. Bags should be clear quart or gallon-sized ziplock bags filled with a variety of travel size toiletries. Cheer up cards can also be made with positive messaging and artwork.. This is a great initiative for kids to be actively involved in! Please feel free to donate as many or as little as you would like – there is no limit! Donations will be collected through Friday, March 15th. Please contact Abby Dilks (abby.dilks@gmail.com) with any questions.
Baker Spring Book Fair
The "Secret Garden" Book Fair starts March 18 and we are very excited about what is planned for our teachers and students! The following are important information and links about our Book Fair:
*Here is the link to our Book Fair homepage: Baker Spring Book Fair. This will provide you with important dates, eWallet information, online shopping and much more.
*Our teacher preview day is March 15. If you are interested in donating snacks, please see the SignUp Genius here: Teacher Preview Snack Signup
*If you are interested in helping with the Book Fair, or how to get involved, please see our SignUp Genius here: Volunteer Crew Signup
A separate sign up will go out later in the next couple of weeks regarding class browsing/buying times and parent volunteers. If you have any questions about any of the information above, please reach out to one of our Book Fair Chairs Jane Schleichter (jcrybicki@aol.com) or Megan Robbins (megrobbins1019@gmail.com). Thank you in advance for your support of Baker School!
Baker’s Science Day
There are still a few slots left to help support Baker’s STEAM Day on April 12th and showcase your art or science passion. Please see the sign up for details: STEAM Day.
Baker Home and School Meeting
Please join us for our next meeting on March 20th in the Baker cafeteria or via Zoom. We will be discussing upcoming events and also available district chair positions for Home and School. Look for the link in an email from Mrs. Rowe that week.
Boosterthon is here! Kick off is this week! See our main section above!
Roberts Spring Cleanup!
Join Mrs. Wilson and other Roberts families for a spring garden cleanup! Bring your rakes and garden gloves on Saturday, March 16 around 1:00. We'd love to see you there!
Dive into a Good Book!
It's almost book fair time at Roberts! This year we'll go on an underwater adventure as we explore an ocean of books! Save the date for our evening book fair hours on Thursday March 21 from 5:30-7:30. Look for more information to come, including a chance to sign up for your child's book fair slot.
Plastics Pickup
We are looking for parents to join our plastics pickup committee! We need a few volunteers to help bring our recycled plastics to Wegmans. The schedule is flexible - we will reach out when a pickup is needed and you can let us know if you're available! Help us get plastics out of the trash and put to good use. If interested, please email Meg Zonies at roberts@moorestownhsa.org.
No March Meeting!
Our next meeting will be Thursday, April 18 at 9:30.
Boosterthon is here! Kick off is TODAY! See our main section above!
Book Fair
It’s BOOK FAIR time at South Valley! Get ready to add some out of this world books to your home library at South Valley’s Blast off to the Book Fair from Monday, March 18th to Friday, March 22nd. In addition, mark your calendars for some fun and shopping together with your children at Family Shopping Hours, Thursday, March 21st from 5:30pm to 7:30pm!
More information about the book fair will be coming home with your child soon. You can also visit the book fair website to learn more about the fair, sign up for eWallet digital payment and shop the fair online. Be on the lookout for Parent Volunteer opportunities coming up as well!
3rd Grade Memory Book
Please submit your photos for the SV 3rd Grade Memory Book! We are looking for any photos from SV events throughout the years, community pictures which include SV students AND a baby picture (please write down the name of your child in the body of the email.)
Please submit to sv3memories@gmail.com by March 1st. Thank you for your help!
Home & School Meeting
Please join us for our next Home & School meeting on Tuesday, 3/19 at 9:30am in the cafeteria. Ms. Hackl will send out a virtual link prior to the meeting.
UES March Food For All Friday
The UES collection for March will take place on Friday, March 8th. Please consider sending your child to school with a shelf safe item to benefit the local food pantry. The pantry is specifically in need of canned proteins (tuna, chicken, spam), pasta sauce, chunky soups, and personal care items. Items for pets are appreciated, as well. Thank you for your continued generosity!
Moorestown SpEAC (Special Education Advocacy Council)
Executive Functioning Parent Session
Tuesday, 3/5 6:00pm
MHS Star Center Please rsvp by emailing info@moorestownspeac.org or joining our Facebook group Moorestown SpEAC (Special Education Advocacy Council)
Andy Rizzo, Ed.S School Psychologist South Valley Elementary School /William Allen Middle School, will be presenting a parent education on Executive Functioning. Executive Functions are mental processes that help us plan, focus attention, and remember instructions.
Project Graduation Fundraisers
Rita Gigante - Intuitive Psychic Medium: 3/21 7:30-9:30pm, Moorestown COmmunity House. Tickets are $50 per person, limited and non-refundable. Payment details and information on this link: Rita Gigante for Project Graduation Any questions contact Victoria Schmidt at vchschmidt@comcast.net