Stay up to date by visiting www.moorestownhsa.org, Facebook (@MoorestownHomeSchool) or Instagram (@moorestownhsa). Contact us any time at info@moorestownhsa.org. Join any time at MHSA Membership!

Boosterthon Sponsors
LAST CALL FOR SPONSORS! Do you know a local business that would like to get their name out there? Is your business looking to advertise? We are so close to providing all of our students grades Pre-K through 6 with a t-shirt that has your name/logos on the back! Businesses also receive our thanks through Facebook, Instagram, our website and this newsletter!
For more information about supporting our students, click HERE or contact info@moorestownhsa.org to secure your spot today!
Miss Chocolate
Miss Chocolate is going DIGITAL for Spring 2024! No catalogs will be sent home. All orders will be delivered in time for Easter/Passover celebrations. Click the provided link to view instructions how to order and a sampling of the items being offered. Miss Chocolate Information
Check our COMMUNITY section at the bottom for activities and offers sponsored by schools and community organizations outside of Moorestown Home & School Association!
MHS H&S Meeting
Our next H&S Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb 14, 9:30am at MHS's STAR Center. A zoom link will be provided the day before for those attending virtually.
Student Valentine's Fundraiser
Please support the Class of 2025 by donating items towards their Valentine Day Grams Fundraiser. Valentine’s Day Grams
Thank you in advance for your generosity and thanks to all who donated for the midterm fundraiser that just wrapped-up. Your contributions play a vital role in enhancing the experiences of the students. Bridget LeGrazie and Nikki Soto, Class of 2025 Parent Representatives.
Thank You - MHS Staff Appreciation Volunteers
Thanks to all who volunteered last week at the MHS Teacher and Staff Appreciation event at the high school. MHS H&S is grateful for the gift of your time.
4th Grade Bingo
4th grade Bingo is THIS FRIDAY February 9th from 3-4pm at the UES cafeteria. We are looking forward to a fun afternoon of Bingo, snacks, prizes! Please consider making a snack donation! Click here for details: 4th Grade Bingo Snack Donation
Dismissal Procedures for AFTER BINGO:
The following Homerooms will be dismissed from the FRONT:
Kutylowski, Labetti/Storbeck, Corsey, Sweeney, Hill, Marines/Yaeger
The following Homerooms will be dismissed from the BACK:
McConnell, Resnik/Lancenese, McGee/Moffa, Visconti, Mannion, Klinger
*If your child is riding home with a student from another homeroom,
please remind your child to go to the appropriate exit.
UES Home & School Meeting
Please join us for our next H&S meeting on Friday, February 9th at 9:30 in the UES cafeteria. Call in information will also be provided.
Baker’s Science Day
Save the Date! The Baker H&S committee is excited to support the 14th Annual Science Day on Friday, April 12th, 2024. This is a hands-on, fun-filled day for all of our students to engage in S.T.E.A.M. activities. We will be looking for volunteers to develop and present 45 minute presentations/activities. More information about how to sign up will be coming in the next few weeks.
Baker Home and School Meeting
Please join us for our next meeting on February 14th at 9:30 in the Baker cafeteria or via Zoom. We will be discussing upcoming events and also available district chair positions for Home and School. Look for the link in an email from Mrs. Rowe that week.
Roberts Home & School Meeting Change
Please note that our February meeting date has been rescheduled! We will now be meeting Thursday, February 29 at 9:30 in the Media Center or virtually. Because of this change, there will be NO March meeting!
Valentine's Day Book Collection
We are looking for GREAT books! Roberts Home and School is once again collecting gently-used books to distribute to teachers on Valentine's Day along with a few other treats! Please note we are not looking for children's books - these books should be novels that teachers can enjoy. If you recently read a great book and want to donate it to a teacher, sign up below! We are also looking for a few Amazon gift cards to be used for hot chocolate, tea, socks, etc. Valentine's Day Book Donations
South Valley Home & School Meeting
Please join us for our next Home & School meeting on Tuesday, 2/20 at 9:30am in the cafeteria. Ms. Hackl will send out a virtual link prior to the meeting.
3rd Grade Memory Book
Attention 3rd Grade Families!
Please submit your photos for the SV 3rd Grade Memory Book! We are looking for any photos from SV events throughout the years, community pictures which include SV students AND a baby picture (please write down the name of your child in the body of the email.)
Please submit to sv3memories@gmail.com by March 1st. Thank you for your help!
Moorestown Library Homework Help
The Moorestown Library offers free homework help for students in grades K-12 on Wednesday afternoons from 3:30-5:15. More information is available at moorestownlibrary.org/events.
Moorestown SpEAC
Moorestown SpEAC along with Moorestown Schools will be hosting an IEP 101 parent training on Thursday 2/22 at 6pm. The training will be at the MHS Star Center. Kelly Eagles, LDTC, from South Valley will be doing the training. This is a great event to attend if your child has an IEP. Please email us at info@moorestownspeac.org if you would like to attend! You can also join our Facebook group Moorestown SpEAC (Special Education Advocacy Council) for more information.
Project Graduation Fundraisers
Sammy’s Car Wash: All Year - Get your code at sammyscw.com/shop. Good at both locations!
Iron Hill: 2/21 Be sure to show this flyer to the serving staff!
Sweet Lucy’s Smokehouse: 2/28 10% from Dine-In or Take-Out 11am-8am Mention Moorestown Project Graduation!
WAMS Yearbook
The 2023-2024 WAMS Yearbook is now on sale! Use this link to complete your purchase. Yearbooks are $50 and can be bought using a credit card, debit card, or PayPal. If you have questions, contact Lyndsay Pasi at lpasi@mtps.us. Please include your student's name, grade and homeroom in the email.
Mission Voice and Quaker Wealth Management 5k Run
Save the Date! All proceeds benefit the Moorestown Department of Parks and Recreation programs for individuals with special needs! For more race day information and sponsorship opportunities, please contact Jacqueline Hovsepian at jacqueline@quakerwm.com. See this flyer for more information!