Follow us online at www.moorestownhsa.org, Facebook (@MoorestownHomeSchool) or on our Instagram page (@moorestownhsa) or contact us at info@moorestownhsa.org!
Meeting Minutes
Looking for meeting minutes? Please contact info@moorrestownhsa.org or your school’s chair to obtain a copy!
Miss Chocolate Order Pickup
Your Miss Chocolate orders are available for pick up in time for the holidays!! A HUGE thank you for supporting Moorestown Home and School!
Pick Up Times:
When: Monday April 3, 2023
Times: 1:30pm - 2:30pm and 3:30pm - 6:30pm (There will be NO pickup during dismissal.)
Where: UES Lobby
PERISHABLE ITEMS: You may have ordered perishable items such pies, cakes and cookie dough. Home and School does not have a place to store perishable items. Arrangements must be made for pick up on 4/3/2023.
Questions or concerns? Email fallspringfundraise@gmail.com
Check out our COMMUNITY section at the end for off board news, but school-related activities and news outside of Home & School!
Senior Scholarships
Moorestown Home & School is distributing five (5) $1000 scholarships to outgoing Moorestown High School seniors this year. Applications will be accepted from now until 4/28/23 at 11:59pm. Please fill out your application here: 2023 Scholarships
MHS 2023-2024 Chairs
Please consider volunteering your time and be a committee chair! The open positions for next year are: Senior September Back to School Breakfast, College Mock Interviews and Staff Appreciation. Please contact Erin at mhs@moorestownhsa.org for more information.
MHS Home & School Meeting
Our next monthly H&S meeting will be April 5th at 9:30 at the high school and on Zoom. The Zoom link will be emailed the day before. Light refreshments will be provided.
7th Grade S.T.E.M. Career Day
The Moorestown Home and School Association is excited to collaborate with WAMS to bring a S.T.E.M. Career Day for 7th grade students on Friday, May 5th from 1:00pm to 2:45pm. This is a great opportunity for you to help students understand how exciting and rewarding careers built from S.T.E.M. skills can be! We are seeking up to 24 volunteers who will develop and present interactive sessions to three groups of rotating students. Please complete this Sign-Up Genius (link) to volunteer your time and experience for this event.
This will be a hands-on, fun-filled afternoon for all of our 7th graders.Thank you in advance for your help to make this day a success – we cannot make this happen without community support. If you have any questions about WAMS S.T.E.M. Career Day, please contact Amanda Hillegas (ash42807@gmail.com)
UES Book Fair
Check out our Peace, Love and Books: Groovy Book Fair this week from 3/27-3/31! Evening hours on 3/30 from 6pm-8pm.
Check your class times and sign up to help students navigate the fair:: Class Schedule & Parent Help Signup
Create an eWallet so your student has money to use at the fair. (Please only enter the last name of your teacher when prompted.) eWallet Creation
Book Fair
Thank you to our Baker families and staff for supporting Home and School through our Spring Book Fair!
Baker Science Day
The Baker H&S committee is excited to support the 13th Annual Science Day on Friday, April 21st, 2023. This is a hands-on, fun-filled day for all of our students to engage in S.T.E.A.M. activities. Kindergarten presentations will be from 11am-11:45am; First, Second and Third grade presentations (2 for each class) will be from 1:30pm-3:15pm. We are seeking volunteers who will develop and present interactive sessions. This is a great opportunity for you to share your love of S.T.E.A.M. to our youngest learners. Please complete this Sign-Up Genius (link) to volunteer your time and experience for this event.
We look forward to creating a day of engaging S.T.E.A.M. instruction for our Baker Bears with your support. If you have any questions about Science Day, please contact Amanda Hillegas (ash42807@gmail.com).
Baker H & S ’23-’24 Slate
If you are interested in serving as a chair of one of the events or committees during the next school year, please fill out the form located here. The descriptions of the positions are listed at the bottom of the form.
Recess Runners
Spring Recess Runners sign-up is located here. There are still openings in May to help count laps for the students.
Baker Home & School Meeting
Please join us for our next H&S meeting in the Baker Cafeteria and online at 9:30am on Wednesday, April 15th. A link will be sent by the Baker principal.
Book Fair
Thank you to our Roberts families and staff for supporting Home and School through our Spring Book Fair!
Book Fair
Thank you to our amazing Book Fair Chairs, Amber Deutsch, Jen Shappell, and Heather Barg, Family Fun Night Chairs, Amy Kearney and Molly Mills and all of the parent volunteers for organizing such a fun and successful event for our students!
3rd Grade Memory Book
Calling all 3rd grade parents! Please send a baby picture of your 3rd grader as well as pictures of their years at South Valley. (Class parties, remote learning, 1st day of school etc) Please send all photos to sv3memories@gmail.com and be sure to include your child’s name with the photos. Thanks!
UES Food For All Drive
The next UES Food for All Drive will take place Friday March 31st! Please consider sending in a nonperishable food item and/or personal care item to donate. Feel free to reach out to Jessica Heck at jheck@mtps.com with any questions.
MHS Yearbooks
MHS Yearbooks have been on sale since October. Don't miss out come June when prices go up and we could sell out! Please visit jostensyearbooks.comto purchase your book today.